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How to Draw a Fire Elemental

dnd how to draw a fire elemental

In one of the previous posts, I showed you how to draw a dragonborn, and now I will tell you how to draw a fire elemental.

How to Draw a Dragonborn

how to draw a dragonborn

In this drawing guide, I will try to show how to draw a dragonborn, or rather I will describe the process of how I draw a dragonborn.

When anatomy becomes art


In fact, human anatomy and art have a lot in common. For example, everyone knows Da Vinci, who exalted both of them to an incredible level.

Best Free Horror Games

Best Free Horror Games

What are the best free horror games? In this post, I want to talk about some really good horror games in the free segment.

How to Draw Dreadnought

how to draw dreadnought

Today I will tell you how to draw Dreadnought from Warhammer 40 000. This formidable destruction machine is worth it to draw.

Why Do We Love Warhammer 40 000?

warhammer 40 000

Warhammer 40 000 universe has millions of fans around the world. Almost every educated person in the world knows who the Eldar are and why you should not listen to strange voices from clots of pink fog.

X-Men: Apocalypse

x men apocalypse

Too heavy a burden Brian Singer took upon himself, trying to embrace everything and immediately tie the threads of the X-Men universe in X-Men: Apocalypse.